Missed Opportunities

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

While i'm completely against dog fighting on every conceivable grounds, as an entrepreneur I can't help but be a little disappointed when I see economic and financial opportunities squandered. What i'm obviously talking about is the fact that the Humane Society has failed to cash in on the recent dog fighting boom. They've got all the raw materials: oodles of ill-tempered and potentially rabid dogs, secluded locations, trained dog-handlers, and Millions of dollars in private funding.

They've got all the promotional materials they need too. All those pamphlets on the horrors of dogfighting that depict mangled dogs and bloody concrete need only to be seen by the right crowd. If they just started handing them out at seedy bars, strip joints, and halfway houses, instead of at elementary schools and county fairs, the very same literature that once instilled utter shock and horror would quickly become valuable propoganda, creating buzz and palpable excitement within their target market.

Unlike mom and pop dog fighting operations, the Human Society has on-call veterinarians who could dress wounds and administer first aid, extending a lucky dog's career a good 5 or 6 months. And when the humane society kills a losing dog, it won't be "executing" it, like Michael Vick so visciously did, they'll just be "putting it down". They've already got all the tools they'll need to get the job done too, no need to improvise with electrocution, drowning, and hanging.

Regardless of the obvious moral implications, it's tough to swallow a missed opportunity as costly as this one. Talk about wasted resources, that's like if Colorado had decided that they were just going to use their mountains for spring water.

"No thanks, we're not interested in ski resorts, we're going to melt
the snow, bottle it, and give it away for free to anyone who is thirsty!"

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